Sunday, March 13, 2011
I am just left with no words. My hubby and I made a pact that we would not watch any TV for 1 week (accept for the Bachelor finale because we are lame) because it has caused such a distraction to us lately. We are really trying to dig into the Word more and have conversation with one another about what we read...that is..after our kids are asleep...before that..we are playin' with them! The pact was made Thursday of last week...we did well...even Friday morning we didn't have even the slightest clue that devistation was causing havok on the island of Japan. My sister-in-law had to run up stairs just to clue me in...I was speecheless...and hooked to the TV ever since. Not ever moment of the day...but once the house has settled...Mark and I turn on the news and soak it all up. I don't want to...but feel this is the least I can do. The least I can do is watch and pray for what I see. It is sad..devistating...not fair..and not God. He doesn't want it..He doesn't like it and for people to wonder why "he" has done this makes my heart sick. I know my Lord is with them there...though most don't know Him. He is holding their tears, their hearts, their bodies with His hands. His nailed scard hands. Even those that don't know Him..He is there.
I was at church this morning. We were worshiping and the song "Overwhelmed" was playing:
"I am nothing, yet You bid me
Come to You, o Lord Almighty
As I come I'm overwhelmed with You.
Humbly now I break the silence
As I'm weeping in Your presence
I'm so wretched, overwhelmed with You.
Your blood of redemption
Is covering my shame (echo)
Your voice that shakes the heavens
Is whispering my name (echo)
As You catch my tears with Your nail-scarred hand
I'm overwhelmed, I'm overwhelmed with You.
I'm overwhelmed, I'm overwhelmed with You.
I am nothing, yet You bid me
Come to You, o Lord Almighty."
The line "As You catch my tears with Your nail-scarred hand" hit me so hard. I think of this line often. I can just see Jesus' hands catching the tears of those crying in Japan. He is in their midst. He is hurting..for them. He already hurt for them and I and all when He was nailed to the cross. I just can't stop thinking about Jesus over there. I am overwhelemed by Him. Watching all the footage..I have to be honest...has scared me a little. The potential of it happening here is possible and it does scare me. But, I know my Savior..He lives and is with us no matter what happens. All I can do is pray for his mercy on them and on us here. And all I can do is hold my babies so close...a little tighter and thank God for every minute He has given me with them. I am thankful for what He has entrusted me with. My babies.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Where does the time go..and FEATHERS!!
Hoe do you all do it?!
I have been MIA..already! So not fair! I feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to do all I want to do... spend time with Jesus, ready the Word, give all 3 of my babies enough attention and love, clean up a million messes created right after the first pick up, give enough time to my handsome hubby, run my jewelry shop, order supplies, create new and fun creations, blog, the list never ends! But..I LOVE it...even when I feel like I am in a totally mess...I do love it and am forever grateful. :)
So I sat in my studio...and just created...created because I have so many ideas running through my head, sketched in my journal and the supplies are screaming at me to be used!
FEATHERS! I am loving the feathers! My good friend, Marissa, owns an incredible hair salon in Westlake Village (Serendipity) and my amazingly talented little sis works with her and is putting feathers in the hair now! YES..feathers...she put them in my hair and my two little girls hair (only a few...they are little after all...but so hip!) And it got me to thinking...I need to create with feathers again...they look so good as jewelry! is a sneak peak as to what's in the shop now...feather wise!
Sit back and take a look at the shop!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Bracelets and random thoughts...
The past few days I have been workin on NEW creativness!!!
Bracelets are on the brain!!I had so much fun creating these (I even gave one to my pretty little sis for her 25th birthday this weekend- Love my Mandy!) To check them out go to:
In other sad is this baby face :(
Uhh it's SO sad, right?! I was trying to give him tummy time and he was NOT having we quickly moved on to other things...Love my little guy!
Stay tuned for my next post...I had a really cool prayer time with Mark this morning...had a lot of tears (which are never fun..why can't I be a pretty crier?!) and heart felt words and amazing prayer. I will explain in the next eyelids are heavy and I must sleep!
Tomorrow my pretty friends!
xo, C
Monday, February 14, 2011
About me: Courtney Munger- I am in a season of life where I am HUNGRY for more of Jesus. Though I know who He is..I still want more. I am new to staying at home with my babies (I used to work full time, with 2 kids because we live in Thousand Oaks, CA.- Enough said). Our priorities changed, completely and after I had Elijah we made the switch. Though money is sometimes tight...we wouldn't change it for the world. I am also a jewlery designer. I LOVE my little shop and designing jewelry! I feel like God gave me the creativity to design and be creative with my jewelry! If you ever want to visit my shop..go here:
Who is Mark Munger? Well that would be my hubby..thank you very much. We have known eachother for a long time! started dating over 10 years ago..married almost 8. With 3 beautiful children...he is still who I fell in love with way back when *grin* and much more. He loves his kids more than himself..he is such a good daddy to them. I sometimes sit back and watch and am in awe of how great of a dad he is. For more of my hubby and why I love him..check this video out. It's his testimony...the reason why he loves Jesus:
Mark Munger Testimony from Anthem Church on Vimeo.
My babies are Maddy Lynn- 5 1/2 years, Isabella Grace- 3 years and Elijah Daniel- 5 months. Love these kids to not deserve them...but thankful to be their mama. They teach me so much about life. Every day is such an adventure! I am so in love with each of them.
So there you have it...that is us...(I promise that my posts will be more exciting from now on!)xoxo to you my sweet friends...I am off to spend time with my sweet Valentine. :) (a day late)
Saturday, February 12, 2011
The crazy & beautiful life of us....
All 5 of us (sheesh I can't believe it!)