Monday, February 14, 2011


I want to introduce you- bloggy friends- to who we are..I feel this is an appropriate way to start this off :).

About me: Courtney Munger- I am in a season of life where I am HUNGRY for more of Jesus. Though I know who He is..I still want more. I am new to staying at home with my babies (I used to work full time, with 2 kids because we live in Thousand Oaks, CA.- Enough said). Our priorities changed, completely and after I had Elijah we made the switch. Though money is sometimes tight...we wouldn't change it for the world. I am also a jewlery designer. I LOVE my little shop and designing jewelry! I feel like God gave me the creativity to design and be creative with my jewelry! If you ever want to visit my shop..go here:

Who is Mark Munger? Well that would be my hubby..thank you very much. We have known eachother for a long time! started dating over 10 years ago..married almost 8. With 3 beautiful children...he is still who I fell in love with way back when *grin* and much more. He loves his kids more than himself..he is such a good daddy to them. I sometimes sit back and watch and am in awe of how great of a dad he is. For more of my hubby and why I love him..check this video out. It's his testimony...the reason why he loves Jesus:

Mark Munger Testimony from Anthem Church on Vimeo.

My babies are Maddy Lynn- 5 1/2 years, Isabella Grace- 3 years and Elijah Daniel- 5 months. Love these kids to not deserve them...but thankful to be their mama. They teach me so much about life. Every day is such an adventure! I am so in love with each of them.

So there you have it...that is us...(I promise that my posts will be more exciting from now on!)xoxo to you my sweet friends...I am off to spend time with my sweet Valentine. :) (a day late)

1 comment:

  1. welcome to the blogging world!!! i found your blog through heather's twitter i believe! so glad i did, i'm excited to follow your little family! :)
